Sarah's Super Center News Headlines

Supporting our Community

Giving Back to the Community.

Can you imagine what life would be like without the basic needs of life: food, water, shelter and clothing? Well, millions of people around the world don't have to imagine it; they know right off-hand what it feels like. We can't help and restore the millions alone. But together we can make a start; one person at a time.

This is why Sarah's Super Center has decided to donate 5% of all sales to Union Mission Ministries. We believe that a business should always give back to its community. We are blessed to be a blessing.

Union Mission Ministries reaches out to the community in several different ways.
"Union Mission Ministries has nine different outreaches in three cities. From emergency shelters and substance abuse rehabilitation to children’s summer camp, the Mission is dedicated to serving the least, the last, and the lost in our community."

For more information about Union Mission Ministries, visit their homepage at

*Sales from our sister site, AVON Independent Sales, are also included. For more information about AVON Independent Sales,  visit our blog at

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