Winter Weather-Tips on Safe Driving and Keeping Your Car Winter Ready

Old Man Winter Blowing Snow in The City--Google Images

Old Man Winter knocking at your door? The snow is really pretty during this time,

Image result for Old Man Winter
Image -(Found on Google Images)

 but, driving in the Winter Weather can really give you the blues. Not only is it uncomfortable, but, it can also be very hazardous. Snow Storms cause delays in travel, and terrible car problems.

Image result for Old Man Winter
Image-(found on Google Images)

Here are some tips to help you stay safe while driving:

  • Preparation-Always prepare your car for Winter Weather, before you set out to drive. You can prepare by performing certain vehicle checks, which I will discuss later down the line. You should also prepare daily, by checking your local Weather and Traffic reports, for road and weather conditions.
  • During Driving- Always stay alert and keep your eyes on the road. Pay attention to any changes in traffic, such as any detours, or road signs, giving you certain instructions. 
           Be sure to maintain a safe driving distance from the driver in front of you. Adjust your speed 
           to driving conditions, and make sure roads and signs are visible. If you need to use head lights,
           high beams, windshield wipers, or fog lights, make sure they are in good working condition                prior to you starting your journey.

           Pay attention to your vehicle. Be aware of any strange sounds or noise coming from your 
           car. Be aware of steering and tire conditions. Does your vehicle seem to be off balance while 
           driving in Winter Weather conditions? Are tires wobbly, or maybe your vehicle is veering to              one side or another?

  • Post Driving-You should check the condition of your vehicle, even after driving. Check for any damages to the vehicle that you may have not been aware of during your drive. When parking, be sure your parking brake is on, if you park on a hill top, to avoid your car sliding downhill.

Finally, here are some tips on keeping your car Winter Ready:

  • As stated earlier, it is important to prepare your vehicle for the driving conditions of Winter. First, you should check your owner's manual for instructions and recommendations on maintaining your vehcile. The manual gives you very important knowledge,from the manufacturer, that will aid you in maintaining your car properly;
  • Some of the most important general tasks of keeping your car Winter Ready are: making sure your tires are at the correct pressure. You may want to invest in some snow tires, if you live in areas that accumulate high volumes of snow.
          You will also want to ensure that your engine oil levels are good. It is recommended that you               check your engine oil levels every time you fuel up. *Tip: it's very important to ensure that you
          neither have too little or too much oil in your engine. Doing either can cause damage to your 
          engine. Be sure to read the dipstick correctly. You should see oil either above the low or first 
          mark, or anywhere below the high or second mark, on your dipstick. (Again, be sure to check 
          your manuals for more details).
           Another very important task is; make sure your brakes are in good working condition. It is 
           always important to do this, but, especially in adverse weather conditions.

           You also want to make sure your heating and defrosting systems are working properly. You 
            should have these checked prior to Winter, so you and your car can stay warm and defrosted.

The key to getting through the Winter is: to be prepared, be aware, and be active, before, during and after driving.

I hope this tips have helped you. And now, I just want to take a few minutes to share some great savings from some of our affiliate partners. Take a look at these great deals that will help keep your car Winter Ready. If you're interested in any of them, be sure to click on the links to grab those deals.

As always, thanks so much for visiting. Have a Very Wonderful and Safe Winter!

Oh, Here's a Free Article Resource from Auto Repair

Maintaining Car Control In The Ice and Snow

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